Free HTML Tutorial for Beginners,HTML + CSS

November 21, 2018

Singularity website provades you this short tutorial which is the best way to learn CSS, starting using it and never againg writte a CSS styleless sheet. Before seeing what this short tutorial has to offer, we suggest you visit, especially if playing mobile casinos with free spins is your favorite thing to do in your free time.

It does not explain CSS in depth. It describes how to start leartning HTML coding and create HTML files, CSS files and how to make them work together. After that, you can read advanced HTML tutorial or use CSS Editor to implement complex sites.

Another important thing to know about the HTML5 language is that there are many casino games written in this language, which can be played on any mobile device through a web browser without downloading. If you want to learn how to take advantage of every no deposit bonus offer or which payment method to use, feel free to visit and get your answers. At the end of this free HTML tutorial for beginners, you will have made an HTML file that looks like this:

Resulting HTML page, colors, and layout were done with CSS.

Note that I do not pretend this is pretty 🙂

Here is an example of an optional section. They contain additional explanations of advanced HTML tutorials and the CSS examples. The “alert!” preceding them indicates that the section contains information more features than the rest.

Step 1: The HTML language

For this tutorial, recommends you to use simple tools such as Notepad (Windows), TextEdit (Mac) or KEdit (KDE). Once you have incorporated these principles, you can understand and use more advanced tools or commercial software such as Style Master, Dreamweaver or GoLive. However, for your first CSS style sheet, it is better that you were distracted by many advanced features.

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Do not use a word processing software, such as Microsoft Word or OpenOffice, because they produce files that a Web browser cannot read. Even for advanced HTML tutorials we will use only text files.

Step 1 is to open your text editor (Notepad, TextEdit, KEdit, etc., regardless of your favorite editor), start with an empty window and type this:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN">
  <title>Ma première page avec du style</title>


<!-- Menu de navigation du site -->
<ul class="navbar">
  <li><a href="index.html">Home page</a>
  <li><a href="reflexions.html">Réflexions</a>
  <li><a href="ville.html">Ma ville</a>
  <li><a href="liens.html">Liens</a>

<!-- Contenu principal -->
<h1>Ma première page avec du style</h1>

<p>Bienvenue sur ma page avec du style! 

<p>Il lui manque des images, mais au moins, elle a du style. Et elle a desliens, même s'ils ne mènent nulle part...

<p>Je devrais étayer, mais je ne sais comment encore.

<!-- Signer et dater la page, c'est une question de politesse! -->
<address>Fait le 5 avril 2004<br>
  par moi.</address>


You don’t have to type it: you can copy and paste from this Web page in your editor.

(If you are using TextEdit on Mac, do not forget to tell TextEdit it as simple text; for this, go to the Format menu and select “Convert to text.”)

The first line of the file HTML above says the browser what kind of HTML it is (DOCTYPE means DOCument TYPE). In this case, it is the HTML 4.01 version.

The words within the < and > are named tags, and as you can see, the document is contained within the tags < HTML > and < /HTML >. Between the < head > and < sandwiched > is the place for a variety of information that is not displayed on the screen. At this stage, it contains the title of the document, but later, we will add the CSS stylesheet.

The < body > is the location of the text itself of our document. In principle, all that is there will be displayed, with the exception of the text content between <!- and ->, that serves as a review for us – even. The browser will ignore this text.

Among the tags in the example, < ul > introduced an “unordered list”, IE a list in which items are not numbered. The < li > tag is the start of a “list item”. < P > is a “paragraph”. And the < a > is an “anchor”, which creates a hyperlink.

Editor Subethaedit is displaying the HTML source code.

If you want to know the meaning of the content of a <… >, I recommend you start with Getting started with HTML. But let me give you a few words about the structure of the HTML page as an example.

  • The “ul” is a list with a hyperlink by element. This will serve as a “site navigation menu,” we will create links to other pages of our (hypothetical) Web site. We assume that all pages on our site have a similar menu.
  • The “h1” and “p” elements form the unique content of this page, and the signature at the bottom (“address”) will be similar on all pages of the site.

Note that I have not closed the “li” and “p” elements. In HTML (but not in XHTML), it is permissible to omit tags < /li > and < /p >, what I did here, to make the text a little easier to read. But you can add them if you prefer.

Let’s say it’s a page of a Web site containing several similar pages. As in many current Web pages, it has a menu with links to other pages of our hypothetical site, unique content and a signature.

Select “Save under” maintenanttenant… from your file menu, navigate to the directory/folder where you want to save your file (the desktop is quite decent) and save the file under the name “MyPage.html.” Do not close the editor because we still need.

(If you are using TextEdit on Mac OS X before version 10.4, you will see an option to not add the .txt extension. Select this option, because “MyPage.html” already has an extension. More recent versions of TextEdit notice the .html extension automatically.)

Then, open the file in a browser. You can do this as follows: look for the file with your Explorer (Windows Explorer, Finder or Konqueror) and click or double-click the “MyPage.html” file. It should open in your default Web browser. (If this is not the case, open your browser and click-drag the file in the browser.)

As you can see, the page is pretty boring…

Step 2: Add color

You probably see black text on a white background, but it depends on how the browser is configured. A simple way to make the page more stylish and add colors. (Leave your browser open, we will use it again later.)

Let’s start with a style sheet embedded in the HTML file. Subsequently, we will see the advanced HTML tutorial and the CSS in separate files. Separate files is a good thing because it easily allows you to use the same stylesheet on several HTML files: you just write your style sheet once. But for this-this step, we will write everything in our single file.

We must add a < style > element to the HTML file. The style sheet will be in this element. Go back to your editor window and add the following five lines in the head of your HTML file part. The lines to add are shown in red.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN">
  <title>Ma première page avec du style</title>
  <style type="text/css">
  body {
    color: purple;
    background-color: #d8da3d }


The first line indicates that it is a style sheet and it is written in CSS (“text/CSS”). The second line shows that we add style to the “body” element. The third line indicates that the color of the text will be the violet and the next line that the background will color a sort of greenish yellow.

In CSS style sheets consist of rules. Each of the rules is in three parts:

  1. The selector (in the example: “body”), which tells the browser which part of the document is affected by the rule.
  2. The property (in the example, ‘color’ and ‘background-color’ are properties), which specifies what aspect of the display is set
  3. The value (‘purple’ and ‘ # #d8da3d ‘), which indicates the value of the style property.

The example shows that the rules can be combined. We are setting two properties so that we could have two separate rules:

body { color: purple }
body { background-color: #d8da3d }

The “body” element will also be the bottom of the document. We did not see the other elements (p, li, address…) of explicit value on the bottom, so by default, they are not (or rather: they will be transparent). The ‘color’ property determines the color of the text of the “body” element, but all the other elements in the body will inherit that color unless another is specified (we will add other colors later.)

Now save this file (use “Save” from the file menu) and go back to your browser window. If you press the “Reload” icon, the display should change from the “boring” page to a colorful page (but still boring) other than the list of links at the top; the text should now be purple on a greenish yellow background.

 In CSS, the colors can be specified in several ways. This example shows two: by name (“purple”) and hexadecimal code (“#d8da3d”). There are about 140 color names. Hexadecimal codes allow over 16 million colors. Adding a touch of style provides more information about these codes.

Step 3: Add fonts

Another simple thing to do is to distinguish fonts for the different elements of the page. Choose the “Georgia” font, except for the text of the h1 type titles for which we will choose the font “Helvetica”.

On the Web, you can never be sure of the fonts will have your readers on their computers, so we will add alternatives: if Georgia is not available, Times New Roman or Times will be fine, and if these two are also unavailable, the browser will be able to use another font in the family serifs. If Helvetica is absent, Geneva, Arial and SunSans-Regular are quite similar in shape, and if none of these works, the browser will be able to choose another font without serifs.

In your text editor, add the following lines :

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN">
  <title>Ma première page avec du style</title>
  <style type="text/css">
  body {
    font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman",
          Times, serif;
    color: purple;
    background-color: #d8da3d }
  h1 {
    font-family: Helvetica, Geneva, Arial,
          SunSans-Regular, sans-serif }


If you save again and press “Reload” in the browser, you should see different fonts for the title and the rest of the text.

Step 5: Stylize your links

The navigation menu still looks like a list instead of a menu. Add a little style. We will remove the items on the list and move the items to the left, to where were the points. We will also give each item its own white background and a black square. (Why? No reason in particular, if it isn’t you can do.)

We have not determined what color will have the links, then we will add this also: blue for links that the user has not yet seen and purple for the already visited links :

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN">
  <title>Ma première page avec du style</title>
  <style type="text/css">
  body {
    padding-left: 11em;
    font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman",
          Times, serif;
    color: purple;
    background-color: #d8da3d }
  ul.navbar {
    list-style-type: none;
    padding: 0;
    margin: 0;
    position: absolute;
    top: 2em;
    left: 1em;
    width: 9em }
  h1 {
    font-family: Helvetica, Geneva, Arial,
          SunSans-Regular, sans-serif }
  ul.navbar li {
    background: white;
    margin: 0.5em 0;
    padding: 0.3em;
    border-right: 1em solid black }
  ul.navbar a {
    text-decoration: none }
  a:link {
    color: blue }
  a:visited {
    color: purple }


Traditionally, browsers show hyperlinks underlined and colored. Usually, the colors are similar to those we have specified here: blue for links to pages that have not yet been visited (or visited a long time ago), purple for pages that have already been visited.

In HTML, links are created with the < a > element, so to specify the color, we need to add a style rule for “a”. In order to differentiate the links visited and unvisited links, CSS offers two “pseudo-classes” (: link and: visited). They are called “pseudo-classes” to distinguish them from the attributes, classes that appear directly in the HTML, that is to say, class in our example. class="navbar"

Step 6: Horizontal line

The final addition to our stylesheet is a horizontal line to separate the text of the signature at the bottom. We will use ‘border-top’ to add a line in the dotted line above the < address > element :

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN">
  <title>Ma première page avec du style</title>
  <style type="text/css">
  body {
    padding-left: 11em;
    font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman",
          Times, serif;
    color: purple;
    background-color: #d8da3d }
  ul.navbar {
    list-style-type: none;
    padding: 0;
    margin: 0;
    position: absolute;
    top: 2em;
    left: 1em;
    width: 9em }
  h1 {
    font-family: Helvetica, Geneva, Arial,
          SunSans-Regular, sans-serif }
  ul.navbar li {
    background: white;
    margin: 0.5em 0;
    padding: 0.3em;
    border-right: 1em solid black }
  ul.navbar a {
    text-decoration: none }
  a:link {
    color: blue }
  a:visited {
    color: purple }
  address {
    margin-top: 1em;
    padding-top: 1em;
    border-top: thin dotted }


Our style is now closed. Now, let’s look at how to make our style sheet a file to share, so that other pages can share the same style.

Step 7: Put the style sheet in a file to share

We have of a HTML file with a stylesheet included. But if our site develops, we probably want to have several pages share the same style. There is a better method to copy the style sheet into each page: If we put the style sheet in a file to share, all pages can point on this one.

To create a style sheet file, we need to create another empty text file. You can select “New” from the menu file from your editor to get an empty window. (If you are using TextEdit, remember to force plain text again, using the Format menu.)

Then cut and paste the contents of the < style > element from the HTML file to the new window. Do not copy the </style > and < style > elements. They belong to the HTML language, not in CSS. In the new editing window, you should now have the complete style sheet:

body {
  padding-left: 11em;
  font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman",
        Times, serif;
  color: purple;
  background-color: #d8da3d }
ul.navbar {
  list-style-type: none;
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0;
  position: absolute;
  top: 2em;
  left: 1em;
  width: 9em }
h1 {
  font-family: Helvetica, Geneva, Arial,
        SunSans-Regular, sans-serif }
ul.navbar li {
  background: white;
  margin: 0.5em 0;
  padding: 0.3em;
  border-right: 1em solid black }
ul.navbar a {
  text-decoration: none }
a:link {
  color: blue }
a:visited {
  color: purple }
address {
  margin-top: 1em;
  padding-top: 1em;
  border-top: thin dotted }

Choose “Save as”… from the file menu, make sure that you are in the same directory/folder where you saved the MyPage.html file, and save the stylesheet under the name “myStyle.CSS”.

Now go back to the window with the HTML code. Remove everything from the < style > tag after the </style > tag and replace the < link > element as follows :

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN">
  <title>Ma première page avec du style</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="monstyle.css">


This will tell the browser that the style sheet is in the file named “myStyle.CSS,” and since no directory is mentioned, the browser will look in the same directory as the HTML file.

If you save your HTML file and reload it in your browser, you should see no change: the page still has the same style, but it now comes from an external file.

The final result

The next step is to save the two files, mypage.html and myStyle.CSS on your Web site. (Probably after have altered them a little beforehand…) But it depends on all of your Internet service provider. When it comes to practicing what you have learned, you can always search for people and businesses that need help with their website. When I was starting out, I found that working for individual companies like online casino sites was pretty easy to come by. Just look at, one of the first projects that I landed. My task was to help this UK casino by writing their latest special promotions.

HTML & CSS Advanced Tutorials

May 7, 2018
HTML & CSS Tutorials

Today our team at Singularity website will show you how to start with you web page. Picture-to-code systems are graphic inscription models in disguise. Even when I knew this, I still overlooked most of the photo caption papers, just given that they were much less cool. When I received some perspective, I accelerated my understanding of the problem space.

It’s important to get a feel for how a good website should look, so you will get a perspective of the tutorial here. Follow this link to see a great example of a well-designed website for casino reviews and online bonuses. As you observe, phrases are imprinted from right to left. This forces each term to change position for each instruction round. This makes it possible for the style to find out the series instead of committing to memory the setting from each word.

The objective of this refresher course” is actually to take an individual who is actually a mouse and also keyboard” individual and also show all of them the fundamentals of web advancement by educating HTML, CSS and some is actually an essential course for knowing HTML and also this performs certainly not take on that participants have prior knowledge.

But in the close to feature, the largest impact will come from constructing a scalable technique to manufacture information. At that point, you could add typefaces, animations, colors, as well as terms bit-by-bit. Satisfy the shows languages that energy the internet, and also compose your initial pipe code.

Nourish the network easy HTML elements as well as teach that to produce computer animations using CSS. This would certainly be actually amazing to possess an attention technique as well as imagine the concentrate on each input sources. After adhering one picture function to each markup component, our team finds yourself with three image-markup components. This is actually the input our team supply into the decoder.

In the hey there globe model, we used a one-hot inscribing to stand for the markup. In this particular variation, our team’ll utilize a term embedding for the input and maintain the one-hot encoding for the outcome. The simplest means to discover present day internet html5, style, and css3 step-by-step from scratch. Concept As Well As code a large task.

Best HTML Books for Beginners

July 2, 2018

Programming an HTML page is not even that hard nowadays. On internet you can find a lot of post and pages about free HTML tutorial for beginners and used with normal Windows editor or Notepad + + to program.

At the very beginning there is always the document type declaration, which becomes important later in the validation. suggests to add the command to the top of your file <!doctype html> .
HTML uses opening and closing tags. At the beginning there is always the opening tag “<html>”. In the end, you should see the closing tag “</html> “Add. In addition, you can add attributes to these tags. Simply change the<html> “by a “<html lang=””de””>. In this case, the browser will also know which language is used. However, you do not need to add this attribute to the closing tag.
The header of the Web page can be<head>Start. However, do not forget the closing tag at the end. For example, in the header section, you can<title> “Set a title. You should also use the ” <meta charset=”utf-8″”> ” command to specify the character set you are using.
Next to the headboard there is still the “<body> “Where you can anchor the actual page content. With “<p>You can add a new paragraph of text. This way the overall text can be structured more clearly. However, do not forget to close the tag again. Also very handy is the command “<p align=””center””>, which is used to arrange the text in the middle. A blank line can be<br> “Add.
Headings add with “<h1>”, “<h2> “, and so on.
You can create a list using “<ol>” ( “ordered list “) or “<ul>” ( “unordered list “). Here you can then select individual list points with<li>Create.
A table can be easily used with a command such as “<table border=””1″”>Create. With “<tr> “Add a new table row. You can use a single cell with a<th>bold or<td>(normal font).
Add a hyperlink with “<a href=””…””>”. In turn, you can use the “<img src=””…”” alt=””…””>” command to insert images. If the image cannot be loaded, the value that is stored at “alt” is displayed instead.
To make your texts more beautiful, you can also format them in HTML. You can use “<em>” To print a text in italics. The “” command is<strong>bold, and you can use the “” command to add<q>a citation.
However, adding a soundtrack is a bit more complicated. To do this, first write the command “<audio controls=”” autoplay=””>”. In this case, the soundtrack is played automatically. Then write the command<source src=””…”” type=””audio/mpeg””>and adjust it to your audio file. Again, you must insert the closing tag</source></audio>.
A video works similarly. To do this, use the “<video width=””320″” height=””240″” controls=””>” command to set the size of your video. Then use the “<source src=””…”” type=””video/mp4″”>” command to specify the source. Also, don’t forget the “</source></video>” At the end.</q> </strong> </em> </a></td></th></tr></table></li></ul></ol></h2></h1></body></title></head></html></html>

Find Out Newbie and Advanced HTML Tutorial

April 18, 2018
Find Out Newbie And Advanced HTML

Presently, the largest obstacle to automating front-end advancement is actually computing power. Having said that, our experts may use current deep learning algorithms, in addition to manufactured instruction data, to begin looking into artificial front-end computerization right now.

The neural network develops features coming from the data. The network develops features to link the input records with the result information. That has to generate depictions to comprehend exactly what is in each screenshot, the HTML syntax, that this has actually forecasted. This develops the knowledge to anticipate the next tag.

Singularity website always suggests you to remove functions with a model that is actually qualified on Imagenet. This might seem to be counterproductive because Imagenet has few web photos. Having said that, the reduction is 30% greater compared to a pix2code model, which is taught from scratch. It will interest use a pre-train inception-resnet kind of style based on web screenshots.

This is actually just how our team begin cultivating markup components. Components are what the semantic network builds to connect the input data along with the output data. In the meantime, don’t stress concerning exactly what they are, our experts take deeper into this in the following section.

Notification that for each and every prediction this receives the exact same screenshot. Therefore if this has to anticipate TWENTY words, that will obtain the exact same layout mockup twenty opportunities. Meanwhile, do not panic regarding just how the neural network jobs. Pay attention to grasping the input and output from the semantic network.

The means our company structure each paragraph remains the exact same, but just how our team map each token is actually transformed. One-hot encoding alleviates each word as a separated system. Instead, our team converts each word in the input records to checklists of fingers. These exemplify the connection between the profit tags.

Nothing made sense up until I knew the input as well as outcome data. The input, X, is actually one screenshot as well as the previous profit tags. The result, Y, is actually the next profit tag. That came to be much easier to understand whatever in between all of them when I acquired this. It additionally came to be much easier to try out other styles.

Learning HTML Coding and Web Programing

April 5, 2018
Web Programing Languages

Some HTML books for beginners shows you about the various preferred programming languages and helps you select one to discover. Scala has the credibility of being a sophisticated language to know for a junior programmer. But those which produce it past the learning arc probably enjoy a great occupation as open positions for Scala programmers are actually undoubtedly appearing an increasing number of.

Java is an item orientated programs (OOP) programing language, made use of to create full application package deals for use on each single computers or distributed commonly among networks. It was created to permit programmers to run their code on distinct makers as well as functioning units along with low fuss, as long as there is a Coffee Virtual Maker (JVM) mounted. This makes it possible for the code to communicate a popular language and is actually an excellent option for creators working with cross-platform systems.

JS is actually an object-based and vibrant foreign language and is just one of the primary modern technologies of INFORMATION SUPERHIGHWAY content development. Even though some folks tend to assume Caffeine and also JS coincide (or even a minimum of, very similar) foreign languages, JavaScript was actually affected primarily by Personal and Program.

If you observed C on a grade card, you would certainly be actually quite bummed. Possibly a bit puzzled, too (is it actually a B-?). Nonetheless, C is actually not the bizarrely poor level this seems to be. This’s usually the 1st programs foreign language instructed in university (properly, this was for me One Decade ago). I presumed that was a pleasant “in-between” foreign language during that it was actually things driven without must be actually obsessed about it. It was actually additionally reduced level sufficient to be close to components, yet no thus low amount that you must do everything manually. You could create stuff in C and also possess that manage fairly considerably anywhere given that there are actually so several C compilers.

Low-level languages feature setting up as well as device foreign languages. A setting up foreign language contains a list from simple instructions and also is far more illegible compared to a high-level foreign language. In uncommon instances, a programmer might make a decision to code a basic plan in a setting up foreign language to guarantee it works as effectively as achievable. An assembler may be made use of to translate the setting up code right into maker code. The equipment code, or even maker language, includes a collection of binary codes that are known straight by a PC’s PROCESSOR It goes without saying, equipment language is actually certainly not developed to be individual legible.

Most Popular Programming Languages and Best Way to Learn CSS

March 30, 2018
Most Popular Programming Languages

This webpage explains the different well-known computer programming languages as well as assist you to decide on one to learn. This utilizes Extensible Markup foreign language (XML) and also Simple Things Gain Access to procedure to give creators access to objects without needing to compose brand-new product lines from code each measure of the technique. This suggests building code with C# is actually normally faster as well as easier, and also is usually a programmer’s best language if they are actually constructing apps for a Microsoft window environment.

Corrosion is actually financed by Mozilla as well as was recommended most such as through designers for a second consecutive year in Stack Overflow surveys. This is a pretty new language, very first showing up in 2010, which actually gained amazing popularity and also is actually anticipated to strengthen a lot more in the future.

You could want to start out through finding out a foreign language like Scrape or advanced HTML tutorials if you are actually brand new to programs. But once you have actually mastered the rudiments, there are a collection of foreign languages you can begin discovering. The complication is actually, there is actually a lot to pick from and each possesses its very own purpose, as Joe Nash, system supervisor at GitHub explained to Techworld.

Python is an additional OOP language, made to be very transportable as well as simple to utilize. Unlike Caffeine, it is actually completely open source and also free of charge to make use of and modify, which has confirmed massively well-known one of the programmer neighborhood as this is able to run on every significant operating system. This is looked at a ‘top-level computer programming code’, which gets rid of a bunch of the even more sophisticated components of coding to concentrate on simple demands utilizing terms coming from the English language.

If you enjoy right away viewing the results of your function in action, as an example making interactive internet elements, JavaScript is a great idea for you Think that a career in JavaScript unconditionally means you must additionally be comfortable with HTML and also CSS, which is basically just what websites are actually crafted from.

Due to the fact that several companies are actually currently looking for significant information analytics to steer decision making, SQL abilities are some of one of the most sought-after among working with companies. Inning accordance with stats delivered through task hunt internet site Definitely, SQL was actually the language of the most marketed program this year, accounting for almost 2% of all work directories for every month due to the fact that the beginning of 2017.

A computer programming foreign language is a collection from commands, instructions, and also various other syntax makes use of to create a software program Languages that coders use to write code are actually referred to as “high-level languages.” This code may be organized right into a “low-level language,” which is recognized straight by hardware.

Clash of Clans Windows Phone How to Install and Play Clash of Clans for Windows Phone

June 14, 2016

Clash of Clans .Xap File – Install Clash of Clans in your Windows Phone

There’s no available installer of clash of clans on the windows phone app store. This game is only available to be played in android and ios devices. What about those windows phone users who wants to play this amazing game? How can they play it if the developer don’t have any plans making this possible to be played in some other platform.

We are proud to present our clash of clans for windows phone version. We hired programmers and developers so we can make this possible. Our installer is free of cost, yes! it’s free. You can now download and play clash of clans on your windows phone. We will also release a working hay day and boom beach that will run on windows phone operating system.

How to Download and install clash of clans for windows phone?

1. The first thing that you need to do is download the file here : /

2. After downloading the file you need to download and install zune : /

3. Run zune on your PC

4. Connect your windows phone to your PC by using your usb connector

5. Transfer clash of clans .xap to your phone and install it

6. Run the application and enjoy playing clash of clans for windows phone


Just follow the given steps above and you will be able to play this game on your phone. Please also make sure that your phone software is up to date. If you have any concern or questions please feel free to contact us

Watch Clash of Clans for Windows Phone in Action!

July 30, 2015

This the latest version that we have. You will notice that it’s a little bit lag. It happens when you first run the application. But after 1-5 minutes of playing the lag issues will be removed.

If you don’t want to wait for the lag issue to be fixed by waiting then you need to restart your phone before running the application. We are still trying to fix this lag issue. If you already install the game in your phone then you once we fixed it you will be notified and your version will be automatically update.

If you have any concern or question please feel free to contact us or send us a message on our facebook page:

How to Install Clash of Clans Windows Phone

November 13, 2014

Clash of Clans is one of the most popular game today. Millions of people are already addicted to this amazing game. This game is only available on Android Devices and IOS Devices.  How about those Windows Phone user if Clash of Clans for Windows Phone is not available on this operating system.  This is why we created a team named “cocwindowsphone”. This group contains programmers and application developer who will focus on creating a .xap installer of Clash of Clans so those WP users can play the game in their windows phone.

This Clash of Clans Windows Phone will also work online and you can also play with your friends even if they are using an ios or android version. This one will also connected to the original database of the application.  You can go to war or you can raid enemy’s so you can farm gold and elixir.

This application is very easy to install. It is just like installing a common application on your windows phone. But you need to copy the .xap file in your phone from your computer by using zune windows application.

Our version of Clash of Clans Windows Phone is not yet fully developed so sometimes you will experience some game crash. We are still under development so all features and bugs will be fixed as soon as possible.

How to Install Clash of Clans for Windows Phone?

It is really easy to install this game on your Windows Phone. Just follow the steps below on how you can Install Clash of Clans on your Windows Phone.

First Step : Download the .xap installer

Second Step : Download Zune

Third Step : Install Zune

Fourth Step : Run Zune and Connect your Phone to your PC

Fifth Step : Copy the installer and Install it on your Windows Phone

Sixth Step : Restart your phone and Run the game. Enoy!

In able to download the installer you will be ask to complete an offer/survey. We locked the download button so users will do some favor for us so they can have the installer. After completing the offer the download will automatically start and the .xap clash of clans installer will be saved in your computer.

You need to complete a survey/offer so we will earn some amount on some survey company and we will use it for our continues development of this application.

Surveys are really easy to finish, you just need 2 – 3 minutes finishing them. If you do not complete a survey/offer the download will not start.